Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Are there peanut butter and jelly sandwiches falling from the sky? Why, yes! And that is only part of the adventure in this story by Seth Eisner (Illustrated by Ellen Maze - Sallas).

JOURNEY TO GALUMPHAGOS features three siblings --frustrated with their parent's restrictions --who take off for Galumphagos, a fantastical place where children can do anything they want to do. Sad thing is, what the kids don't know about this place can actually prevent them from ever getting home again! Galumphers, native to the island, will play with you all day long, but always their play ends up with the human child being changed in an unfortunate way.... such as growing fur? Yuck! When the true nature of the Galumphers is revealed and they follow the kids home, then worlds truly collide! Join the adventure, solve the mystery, get home safely. It is time for you to use your ticket to GALUMPHAGOS!

Journey to Galumphagos, by Seth Eisner, Illustrated by Ellen Maze
5.5" x 8.5", 84 pages, $5.48 paperback, $2.99 Kindle

FROM THE BACK COVER: Life can be tough for a loner like Emily. She’s had enough of being the perfect target for bullies. She persuades her brother and sister to run away with her to Galumphagos Island, a paradise on earth. But they find out that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the street, or even the other side of the ocean. They need all their courage and cleverness -- and a little luck, too -- to get out of the mess they landed in. Seth Eisner blends humor and non-stop action in his story about three young children who learn that real courage isn’t just about adventures. It’s usually about ordinary things, like asking that other lonely girl if you can share her lunch table.

EXCERPT (Trying to play with galumphers is not very fun for long):

Jacob tried to play football with the galumphers, but they only wanted to play Galumphutball.  A bunch of galumphers ran around screaming “Knock’EmDown-Knock’EmDown-Knock’EmDown.”  They smashed into each other and sometimes into Jacob, who always got knocked flying.  Most of the time, Jacob had no idea where the ball was, and it didn’t seem to matter anyway.  The game was more like a big wrestling match than football.
In not very long at all, a wrestling galumpher fell on the ball and squashed it flat. (C) Seth Eisner


Maybe you would like to see the mail turtle? It might be bringing you a letter from home. Mom and Dad would be missing you about now...
 Whatever you do, don't trust a Galumphagos Bird; they bite!

  Journey to Galumphagos is a fun story for all children, written with humor and  peppered with whimsical pencil illustrations. Get your copy online at or ask for it at your favorite bookstore!

Photos (cover and illustrations) are property of Seth Eisner, used by permission.

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