Monday, October 24, 2016

LOVE A HORSE? MAKE MY DAPPLED! Coloring Books for Riders

Do you love horses? The coloring book series from Equestrian Sport Artist Ellen Sallas (Ellen C Maze) provides action-packed equestrian coloring fun for all ages and disciplines. A sport horse rider herself, Ellen brings her love of riding and of horses to every drawing. Visit to see all the different books she has so far!

 I Love Trail Riding Coloring Book

by Ellen Sallas
Little Roni Publishers, LLC, 32 pages, 8 ½” x 11”, ISBN: 978-1537606446, $7.99

From the cover:
Trail ride! Saddling up to enjoy a stimulating ride outside the ring is the joy of millions of equestrians. Whether you hit the trail through the desert, into the woods, across the valley, along the beach, or even just down the road, trail riding is a joy to man and beast. Inside, you will find more than 25 coloring pages of horses of all breeds and disciplines, exploring the world outside the riding ring, with interesting facts and trivia to enjoy along the way. Let's color! Hand-drawn and written by Equine Sport Artist Ellen Sallas (aka Ellen C Maze).


Monday, October 17, 2016

DOING THE TERRORISTS' WORK FOR THEM - Obama's Woeful Presidency Examined

The Stockholm Syndrome President: How Trump Triggered Obama's Hidden Confession Kindle Edition*

by Andrew G. Hodges, MD
Buy Kindle $8.99

From the cover:

Established forensic psychiatrist and profiler Andrew Hodges unveils the recent stunning secret confession of Barack Obama that he is an unconscious Stockholm Syndrome victim controlled by radical Islam. This explains his repeated capitulations to radical Islam and his curious refusal to use that term. Obama explains that he was personally abused and radicalized as a child and how he buried that trauma deep in his mind. But intuitively he knows that story and tells us... 

 BOOK EXCERPT (used by permission):

Chapter One


Following the worst mass murder in U.S. history in which 49 people were killed and 53 wounded on June 12, 2016, at a nightclub in Orlando, Fla., Barack Hussein Obama delivered two back-to-back speeches on June 12 and 14, revealing who he really is. It’s the greatest secret story in America.
Soon he will inform us that the very future of America rides on how well we understand this story.
Having been pressured by more than seven years of failed national security policies, Obama was specifically triggered by Donald Trump who tweeted that Obama “disgracefully refused to say the words, ‘radical Islam,’” and called for Obama to “step down” immediately.  The next day Trump added that Obama was either totally ignorant (“doesn’t get it”) or something more sinister was transpiring. It was possible, Trump concluded, that Obama “gets it better than anyone understands” implying the president’s personal responsibility for the attack. The mainstream media castigated Trump over the tweets, but he was spot on.
Trump’s deeper encoded messages said to Obama, “You’re in denial—consciously ‘ignorant.’ But something very sinister went on in your life and you’re behaving in a sinister way, not protecting America, much less the world, from radical Islam terrorists. You can’t even say the words—so something’s wrong. Deep down you know why better than anyone. Tell us.”
That’s when Obama broke. Again he told us the real story in code. Secretly he longed to tell that story.
In a lengthy speech on June 14, an angry Obama unconsciously revealed precisely that he has a powerful mental block he does not understand. This explains his Middle East strategy and why he simply can’t protect America.
Donald Trump struck a nerve. Obama, Trump later noted, was furious. Why? In reality, he was furious about being pressured to explain himself. Trump had tapped into something dark and deep in Obama, something he desperately hides. Yet also unconsciously Obama wants to reveal that dark secret.
Intuitively Trump knows that we all perceive far more than we realize consciously. As we’ve only recently learned clinically, Trump was alluding to the fact that we all have an unbelievably perceptive unconscious super intelligence. Obama will confess that he reads himself much better than he consciously knows and will unconsciously tell us that story. We all know it deep down. Trump knows it. Obama will confess that unconsciously Trump knows full well who he really is.


Blogger Review:

Dr. Hodges has been involved with some of the biggest FBI cases in our generation, and here he lends his big scientist's brain to "what is wrong with the current US president". This fascinating read will not bog down anyone truly interested in what makes the most powerful man in the world tick. This forensic psychiatrist has studied Barack Hussein Obama extensively and lends his professional opinions in this book regarding Obama's resistance to call out Islamic Jihadist Terrorism for what it is. This book is not for Obama fans, as it give no quarter to the man elected to president twice in this country, but anyone on the fence, anyone who already knows something is fishy in Denmark, and those who want to know more about the psychiatry of a world leader will glean a lot from this book. 

I have also read Dr. Hodges other Obama work, THE OBAMA CONFESSION: SECRET FEAR. SECRET FURY, paperback and Kindle, here (LINK).

Publisher reports that the paperback is coming soon.

Dr. Hodges' publisher is Village House Publishers, Birmingham, AL, 
and the author's website is 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Are there peanut butter and jelly sandwiches falling from the sky? Why, yes! And that is only part of the adventure in this story by Seth Eisner (Illustrated by Ellen Maze - Sallas).

JOURNEY TO GALUMPHAGOS features three siblings --frustrated with their parent's restrictions --who take off for Galumphagos, a fantastical place where children can do anything they want to do. Sad thing is, what the kids don't know about this place can actually prevent them from ever getting home again! Galumphers, native to the island, will play with you all day long, but always their play ends up with the human child being changed in an unfortunate way.... such as growing fur? Yuck! When the true nature of the Galumphers is revealed and they follow the kids home, then worlds truly collide! Join the adventure, solve the mystery, get home safely. It is time for you to use your ticket to GALUMPHAGOS!

Journey to Galumphagos, by Seth Eisner, Illustrated by Ellen Maze
5.5" x 8.5", 84 pages, $5.48 paperback, $2.99 Kindle

FROM THE BACK COVER: Life can be tough for a loner like Emily. She’s had enough of being the perfect target for bullies. She persuades her brother and sister to run away with her to Galumphagos Island, a paradise on earth. But they find out that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the street, or even the other side of the ocean. They need all their courage and cleverness -- and a little luck, too -- to get out of the mess they landed in. Seth Eisner blends humor and non-stop action in his story about three young children who learn that real courage isn’t just about adventures. It’s usually about ordinary things, like asking that other lonely girl if you can share her lunch table.

EXCERPT (Trying to play with galumphers is not very fun for long):

Jacob tried to play football with the galumphers, but they only wanted to play Galumphutball.  A bunch of galumphers ran around screaming “Knock’EmDown-Knock’EmDown-Knock’EmDown.”  They smashed into each other and sometimes into Jacob, who always got knocked flying.  Most of the time, Jacob had no idea where the ball was, and it didn’t seem to matter anyway.  The game was more like a big wrestling match than football.
In not very long at all, a wrestling galumpher fell on the ball and squashed it flat. (C) Seth Eisner


Maybe you would like to see the mail turtle? It might be bringing you a letter from home. Mom and Dad would be missing you about now...
 Whatever you do, don't trust a Galumphagos Bird; they bite!

  Journey to Galumphagos is a fun story for all children, written with humor and  peppered with whimsical pencil illustrations. Get your copy online at or ask for it at your favorite bookstore!

Photos (cover and illustrations) are property of Seth Eisner, used by permission.